Lean muscle mass

Lean muscle mass refers to the weight of your muscle without fat. It's the amount of muscle you have that isn't just stored energy. Having more lean muscle mass can help boost your metabolism and support weight loss.

Some key facts about lean muscle mass:

  • It's made up of muscle fibers that contract and help your body move. The more lean muscle you have, the more efficiently your body works.
  • Building lean muscle mass involves strength training to stimulate muscle growth. This causes small tears in the fibers that then repair themselves and get bigger.
  • You can increase lean muscle through exercise, especially weightlifting. Consuming enough protein also supports muscle growth.
  • Higher lean body mass is linked to a lower risk of health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

How is lean muscle mass calculated?

There are a few ways to estimate the amount of lean muscle vs. fat mass on your body:

  • Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) - A small electrical current is sent through your body to measure fat and lean mass. Handheld devices are common.
  • Skin fold test - Uses calipers to measure the thickness of skinfolds at different body sites. The measurements are used to calculate body fat percentage.
  • Hydrostatic weighing - Measures your underwater weight to determine your body density and composition using calculations. Considered very accurate but more complex.

What impacts lean muscle mass?

Several key factors influence lean muscle mass:

  • Exercise - Strength training stimulates muscle protein synthesis. The intensity, frequency, duration, and progression of your workouts impact muscle gain.
  • Nutrition - Consuming enough protein, calories, and nutrients supports muscle growth. Creatine or certain supplements may also help increase lean mass.
  • Age - We lose muscle as we age through sarcopenia. Staying active can counteract this loss.
  • Hormones - Testosterone plays a significant role in muscle protein synthesis. Conditions impacting hormones can influence lean mass.

Building lean muscle takes consistency with training and nutrition. But the payoff of improved metabolism, strength, and fitness is well worth the effort. Tracking measurements over time helps ensure you're effectively gaining muscle.

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